Marquette Warrior: The Ad the Marquette Tribune Rejected

Monday, March 10, 2008

The Ad the Marquette Tribune Rejected

Newspapers always have the right to reject ads. They may reject them for reasons of taste, or (being private sector businesses) for taking a political position with which the editors disagree.

But why in the world did the Marquette Tribune reject this ad?

It basically encourages young women, going on spring break, not to put themselves into the position of having to use the “morning after pill.”

We talked to a member of the Tribune advertising department who said in effect that it was rejected for being “too harsh.”


We also talked to Kimberly Zawada, Faculty Advisor to the business side of the Tribune. She obviously is being highly risk averse, pointing out to us that a Tribune ad showing the bare midriff of a young women -- in a rather innocent context -- generated objections. “You never know what your readers will think,” she observed.

The “harshness” of the ad supposedly centered around the phrase “chemical abortion,” and “blood clots” as something caused by the “morning after pill.”

The Tribune has run ads for abortion counseling services -- ones that encourage young women not to have an abortion -- in the past, according to Zawada. She added “if you present pro-life, you have the pro-choice people coming at you.” She added that the Tribune would not run a “pro-choice” ad.

The irony, of course, is that even Planned Parenthood, which strongly favors all kinds of abortion and contraception, could hardly object to the message to young women: don’t put yourself into a position where you feel the need for “emergency contraception.”

The issue is hardly resolved. It is being taken up by the Student Media Board, and by Dean John Pauly. The ad might still run. In fact, acording to Zawada space has been set aside to run it.

Hat Tip: Brian Collar

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

While I agree that the ad probably should have been run, I can also see where the Tribune is coming from. Also, for an ad, there are a lot of words in a small space, maybe a few sentences and a web address with more information would have been sufficient. Most people don't know what chemical abortions are, and lots of things can be deadly. Since ads don't leave room for specifics, why not "Emergency contraception (the morning after pill) can be deadly, please visit {site} for more information."

4:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, emergency contraception does not cause "deadly" blood clots . . . so that ad is wrong, and running it would have been misrepresenting that medication. The blood clots that DO kill people form in your deep leg veins, not in the uterus. So, good for the Tribune for not running false statements.

7:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why'd you delete the blog post about being harassed?

9:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

According to the pro-life website, there are three schools that have decided against running the ad. Anyone who is well versed in advertising and its' policies would understand that - particularly at a private school - first amendment rights do not apply in this case and the schools have every right to decline it if seen fit.

1:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also, Jon, abortion and contraception are NOT the same thing, and Planned Parenthood could certainly not be accused of "favoring abortions."

2:26 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Well said Annie. Also, the ad only supports making "smart choices," which they don't specify. That could mean using protection, which for some ridiculous reason the Catholic church is opposed to. At least the ad was smart enough not to make the assumption that people our age abstain from sex, because many clearly don't.

On a related note, abstinence-only education is likely a big part of the reason why Plan B has to exist in the first place.

5:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Last I checked, Marquette is a Catholic university. So why can't they be "unbalanced"? As for abortion and contraception NOT being the same, that's true...but the "morning after pill" isn't "contraception" since it can act AFTER conception has already occurred.

7:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't see anything wrong with the ad. It's direct while it focuses on personal responsibility, choices, and consequences. If that makes people uncomfortable then welcome to the real world.

I'd like to see the study expanded in scope and trend, but a recent study found 1 in 4 teen girls are infected with 1 or more STD's. Above that, 48 percent of African American girls were infected, the study showed.

It looks to me like we have a problem. And Plan B ain't gonna help there. So, yeah, I support ads that put a focus back on personal responsibility and healthy behaviors.

And Plan B can cause blood clots. Just like smoking and dietary choices can. There is no guarantee on where the clot will form or where it will lodge and block flow. Choices and chances.....

It takes a shocking statement or two to get your attention though, doesn't it? Otherwise, it's just like a buckle your seatbelt ad, no?

9:43 AM  

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